Analisi essenziale dei Consumi e del valore, segmentazione dei consumatori e gusti, canali distributivi, gestione dei falsi e contraffazione, l'importanza di internet, dogane e tassazione, documenti ed etichetta, il posizionamento dell'Italia con riferimento al primo semestre 2021.

Analisi essenziale su tipologie di turisti, loro aspettative, cosa funziona e cosa no, statistiche, strategie di attrazione e casi studio, edizione 2021.

PwC conducted 1,378 interviews in September and October 2018 with CEOs in 91 territories.

Of these interviews, 204 were conducted with food industry CEOs from organizations in 58 territories, most of whom came from consumer goods and retail sectors. Organizations from wholesale, agriculture and food service sectors were also represented among the food industry respondents.

The food industry is being transformed by changing customer behaviour and innovation. Of all the world’s markets, China’s retail food and restaurant sectors have seen the fastest introduction and adoption of new technologies.

Food industry CEOs are confident in their companies’ own growth prospects over both the near term and the long term.

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